"My Connections To Play"


                                               "The game of life has two participants, spectators and players. Pick one."


"Sometimes the people around you, won't understand your journey, they don't need to it's not for the."


"Anyone who stops learning is old, whether twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young."

_Henry Ford

Growing up as a child my family encourage us to go outside and "play." This was a daily routine, I look forward to this everyday, not only was it encouraged at home,  but also at school during recess. What I considered play time to be when I was younger was going outside and being active, exploring the world around me, finding things to do. With the generation now I think that play time is logging on to social media, the use of computers, video games, telephones, iPod, and all other electronic devices that children have access to. 

Play time is totally different in my opinion, I don't believe kids are as active and creative when it comes to play as I was as a child. I blame it on this era that we live in now where technology truly runs the world. When I was growing up technology was not where it is today, so we were creative and thought of different things to do to enjoy our play time. We were even more social with our peers, nowadays kids do not carry on a verbal conversation because everyone texts instead of calling.

The role of play throughout my life has strengthen my social skills. I have excellent communication skills, and I believe social play as a child has improve these skills. Being creative and thinking out of the box is another skill that I have learned through play. Play is very important to all children, no matter what era we are living in. Children that are exposed to play have a better chance of being successful, this is where children develop who they are, so we must encourage play in the schools and at home.


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