Childbirth In My Life and Around the World

My personal  birthing experience was scary and amazing. I was scared because I was about to give birth to a beautiful baby boy, but just a year and four months earlier I delivered a baby boy at 20 weeks who was still born. Having to go through the lost of my first child was a traumatic experience. I did not find out that the child that I thought would be a healthy baby boy would not survive until a day before I ended up delivering him still born. I lost my first child do to health reasons, he had spinal bifida and according to the doctors would be mentally "retarded" with no chance of survival if I carried him full term.  After going through this traumatic experience I never thought that I would be blessed to give birth to another child, but on September 23, 2005 I did.

This was an amazing experience on at 7:30 p.m. that day I gave birth to a healthy baby boy 7 lbs 1 oz, 21 inches long. He was everything I imagine healthy with a full head of hair and ready to be loved. I had to deliver him through a Cesarean but it was all worth it in the end I could not ask God for a greater blessing than him. I chose this example because I want to give my readers hope, and to let people no never give up. Going through this experience made me stronger and the person that I am today. I hope my story can touch someone's heart who may be going through a similar experience and give them hope.

I think birth plays a major role in impacting a child's development because birth is the beginning of development. This is where child development begins starting with the brain, DNA and chromosomes all of these things make up a child. It determines who or what they may be in life, with the help of families, communities and educators we help to shape and mold the child. 

In Africa 30 million women get pregnant a year and about 250,000 died a year from pregnancy related issues. One third of those million have stillbirths during labor and about 280,000 die of birth asphyxia after birth (Pearson, Larson, Standley, Fauveau n.d.). Many of these women deliver their children on their on without a skilled professional, which causes these problems during and after childbirth.

The lack of prenatal and after birth care is the reason for these pregnancy issues in many African women. If these women had prenatal care many of these deaths at childbirth could be prevented. One thing I learn from this comparison is that it is important to receive prenatal and after care during and after pregnancy. Although this care may not prevent all pregnancy issues, it will give you and your child a greater chance of not having these issues.



  1. I'm sorry for your loss and glad that you were able to be blessed with a healthy baby boy! Thank you for sharing and being so vulnerable. The facts you provided in Africa are unbelievable and disappointing. I agree that prenatal and post-labor care in extremely important for improving mother and infant mortality rates.

  2. Latwana,

    Thanks for sharing your story. I'm sorry for your loss, and very thankful that God blessed you with a healthy baby boy. Prenatal care and after birth care is very important. We as Americans are truly blessed to have easy access to the proper care we need during and after our pregnancy. Reading about the African women is very sad.


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