Personal Childhood Web

Nurturing and caring people in my life as a child. Five people that cared and nurtured me as a child were my: mother, father, grandmother, grandfather and my aunt. My mother was loving and caring and always told me to never give up. My mom and I have a close relationship I can talk to her about anything. My mom has influenced my life as a child because she always showed me affection and made me feel like I was important. Every night before I went to bed she would pray with me, tuck me in and give me kiss, this was one way that she nurtured and cared for me.

My father did not show any affection, but I knew he love me, he just showed it differently then my mom. He taught me to be dependent and not to depend on other people. He taught me how to do things like checking my oil, changing tires, running a business, etc. He showed me love by making sure I knew how to survive in a world that may not be so loving. My dad made me feel special, although he did not give hugs or kisses, he told me all the time how intelligent and beautiful I was.

My grandmother was the strongest women I have ever met. This women always stayed positive, no matter what she may be going through. My grandmother was just like a second mom to me we had a great relationship, she always had some wisdom and knowledge to share with me. She always took care of me, she never let me go without anything. What my parents could not provide my grandparents made sure I had it. She influence me as a child by showing me to stay positive no matter what.

My grandfather, we had  a unbreakable bond, although he did not say much I knew his love for me was unconditional, he was always there for me when I needed him. It did not matter what time of day it was or what I needed, I could call him and he was there. He made me feel special and influence me as a child by always being there for me.

My aunt was more like a sister to me. As a child I looked up to her. I went everywhere with her. I admired her as a child. She influenced my life because of her I wanted to go to college, and become an educator because she was a teacher. She was always so nurturing and caring she was there for me to talk to when I was growing up, and I needed this. 

All of these people influences continue to impact my life today, because all of the wisdom and knowledge that they instilled in me as a child is the reason why I push myself everyday to reach my goals and be successful. One saying I can remember, " knowledge is the key to success." This is one  the reasons why I decided to continue my education because of these five people always supporting and pushing me to be successful.


  1. Reading this blog was great. I felt better knowing that there was one parent that didn't show affection like the other. The only difference is my mom was the one who showed no affection and my dad was the affectionate one. I think that the positive comments from the people we love the most plays a huge role in the individuals that we become. I am happy that you had a great support system growing up.


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